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July 2005
E-Certa joins with Technology Forecasters, Inc to research green business strategy and promote component
conversion for RoHS compliance.
December 2005
E-Certa announces the acquisition and implementation of XAN, a fluorescent X-Ray testing machine for in-house material declaration capabilities.
January 2006
E-Certa has formed an alliance with Mil-Spec Components, Inc., a value added Mil-Std certified vendor. www.mil-spec-comp.com
October 2006
E-Certa earns ISO 17025:2005 certification and is accredited by the A2LA (from 10/2006 - 03/2012) for XRF testing for Pb in
May 2007
E-Certa joins SMTA
June 2007
E-Certa's process is validated by Sanmina SCI after evaluation of the integrity of their converted components.
ISO17025, ISO3497 &
ASIM B568 Certified
10/2006 - 06/2013
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Due Diligence
Regulatory compliancy or litigation - the choice is yours.